Saturday, September 25, 2010

When I look at my self in the light of *this* project, i feel so useless. What can I write about this? What am I going to reflect in my poster? I wish I can be like my colleagues...No, I wish I am not a part of this endeavor.

Lord, please help me with this thing. I really don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Please help me. I'd like to surrender now... But I choose to surrender to You rather than on my problem. I know you can bring me out of this tunnel. I need You. Thank You for seeing me through all these. I commit my strength and mind to You. I trust in you. Amen.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

One mountain was flattened and I got a long, real sleep last night. I still have to topple two mountains though. Three, actually.

Quote: 'There are things that you can't see in clean papers or documents. I challenge you to conduct a surprise visit...'

I admire her somehow. What a strong will she has. But then, she should have said it in the right environment, the right people. I wonder what the administration's reaction will be...

My eyes still sore because of those many sleepless nights.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

ok, i don't really much have time to blog for now. been very busy for the upcoming evaluation. The 3 to 4 hour sleep i got from the non-stop work that i have seems a normal thing already. will be back soon.

will be back soon.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

On Flirting

The other day, I cut my male friend's advances when i detected a shade of flirting in him towards me. I was cruel, I guess. I always warn men not to flirt with me.

But then this Yahoo! article on flirting amused me. So for my own personal reminder (since I guess nobody is really reading this blog aside from me) I am posting the first and the last items from that article:

1. Flirting is good for you. Studies show that people who flirt have higher white blood-cell counts, which boost both immunity and health.
10. Flirting is universal. A woman living in New York City and one in rural Cambodia may not have much in common, but when it comes to attracting a little attention, they both employ the very same move: smiling, arching their eyebrows, then averting their gaze and giggling. Animals flirt, too: birds, reptiles, and even fish have their own way of making romantic advances. The moral of the story: If the simple sea bass can act cute in order to further a romantic agenda, you can, too — so give it a go! (emphasis mine)

Source: 10 fascinating flirting facts by Laura Schaefer

Well, yes, I think I need to give it a go! LOL

Friday, September 3, 2010

i wanted to poke you back.
i am tempted to push that fb button
but then, i came to my senses...
why should i?

Random: will marriage bring me happiness?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Is there such a thing as the other half?
Do people have to get married to be complete?
They say the answer is 'no' and I believe that too.
But why am I feeling so all alone and incomplete now?

Ah, there must be something I need to discover....
I had my YM uninstalled to redeem some time. But what is it happening right now? No YM and yet I spend almost an eternity at facebook? Ugh, no way. No way. I feel like I need to wake up soon.

Don't flirt with me. Don't cause my heart to flutter. Don't make me miss you!